Category Archives for Uncategorized

Spring Sports Registration

With Spring right around the corner, it is time to start planning for our spring sports teams. Saint Cecilia will offer girls softball, boys baseball, and track & field. Eligible athletes must be in grades 4-8 and currently registered as a student at Saint Cecilia Elementary School or PSR program. You can take the link […]

School Registration

Saint Cecilia Elementary (K-8) St. Cecilia Elementary School (grades K-8) registration for the 2025-2026 school year will begin on Monday, February 3rd. If you have a school age child and would like to send him/her to a wonderful, Christ-centered school with teachers that care for each student, please contact the school office at 614-878-3555. St. […]

Emmaus Road Scholarship Fund

In 2022, The Diocese of Columbus Office of Catholic Schools launched the Emmaus Road Scholarship Fund, a scholarship granting organization (SGO) of the Diocese of Columbus that was formed to capitalize on a tax credit passed into law by the Ohio Legislature in 2021. As dictated by Ohio law, the funds raised by the SGO […]