Paver Bricks

St. Cecilia Elementary School created a brick walkway area that will include engraved brick pavers. The new brick path is located along the walkway leading to the front doors of the school and is a lasting tribute to the students, parents, alumni, faculty, staff and parishioners of St. Cecilia School and Parish. Purchase a brick along the walkway to commemorate your years at St. Cecilia.


We Need Your Support! Please consider making a gift that will become a lasting part of the school. Proceeds from the walkway will support the programs at St. Cecilia.

Don’t Miss Out! You can choose to list your name, honor a student or family member, promote your company, or show your family support.

The Cost! The cost of each engraved brick is $60 for two lines and $85 for three lines. This price includes engraving of up to 13 characters per line (including spaces and punctuation).

The Plan! Orders will be submitted quarterly and take four to six weeks for delivery. We will have the landscaper come back out (after the initial batch) and replace existing bricks with newly printed ones.

Questions??? Please contact the school office at 614‐878‐3555.